
   更新日期:2019-06-26     来源:建材之家    作者:布艺之家    浏览:32    评论:0    
核心提示:Communications with estranged clients(1)自从收到贵方上次定货已有数目。由于销售季节临近,我们想知道您是否需要为下一季节补进一些货物。It is several months since we had the pleasure of having your last order. As the selling season is drawing near, w


推荐简介:影响白色革泛黄的因素很多,一是制革工艺和化工材料;二是制件工艺,特别是胶水有影响;三是使用时保养方法的影响。白色革的泛黄与坏革处理和涂层修饰均有密切关系。一般来说,β — 萘酚耐光性能有效期,容易变黄,而五氯酚钠防霉剂耐光性能好,用于白革防霉,不易泛黄;合成鞣剂有较好耐光性,用于坯的复鞣填充,有明显的增白作用;合成加脂剂的耐光性优于动植物油,因而白色革宜于用梧成加脂剂加脂;涂猸层中所用的钛白粉和乳......
布艺之家讯:Communications with estranged clients


It is several months since we had the pleasure of having your last order. As the selling season is drawing near, we should like to know if you would replenish your requirement with any quantity for the coming season.


Our record shows that about six months ago you sent us an order for Art.No.90000, under which shipment was effected against Invoice No.12345. We trust that our shipment must have truned out to your satisfaction in all respects, and presume that the goods you have bought are nearly exhausted. May we expect a continuance of your order?


It is quite a long time since we received your last order for Poplin. As it is against our will to see that our old customers like you should buy this articles not so regularly as in the past, we should like to be informed whether there is any barrier to the sales of your products so that we may see our way to cooperate with you for the better.


We refer to the pleasant business relations between us for some time in the past. Despite the face that this has been interrupted for some reason or other, we feel that it will be to mutual advantage if steps are now taken to renew the business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


We have plevsure in referring to your orders placed with us in the past for Cotton Piece Goods.Therefore,because of the changedcircumstances,business communication has been suspended for quite some time.However,we feed that it will be to mutual benefit if steps are taken to resume the business relations on each other’s own initiative.


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